Eagle Vision
Eagle vision reminds us to look at the big picture while focusing on the important details. For me, this means being clear about what I’m focusing on. I think I’ve been letting myself get too distracted. Like the eagle focuses on its prey, I want to focus on my prayer.
Peace Practice
The other day I woke up with the song Let There Be Peace On Earth running through my mind. I love the next line, “Let it begin with me. ” That inspired me to share my favorite peace practice with you.
The Three Wise Men
I sat down the other day, with the question of how to live my best life. In my ensuing meditation, I found myself in the Answer Room in the Heavenly Realms. There I met three wise men—a Q’ero shaman, a Tibetan monk, and a Celtic bard—who came to teach me.
Seal of Approval
I have been feeling pretty discouraged lately. Like nothing I have to say really matters. Like everything I do is wrong or pointless. Sigh. Hopefully this feeling is coming up to be seen and cleared and will move along soon.
How are you feeling?
How are you feeling? Yesterday when I woke up and saw the news of what had been going on in our nation's capitol, and then saw more and more pictures and reports, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed. I began binge eating my leftover holiday m&m's, until I remembered that I have better coping skills than that-lol!
Grounding in Gratitude
It is important to have practices to keep us grounded to the Earth, connected to the Divine, and centered in our hearts. One of my favorite practices is this little morning ritual I have.
Overwhelmed, Exhausted, Depleted, Completely Drained, and Lying Low (Or Be Careful What You Ask For, Our Words Have Power)
So, how have you been feeling lately? Whew, I have been exhausted. A friend recently admitted that she has been feeling too tired and overwhelmed to do the work of Spirit, and asked if I had ever felt that way as well. And I was so grateful that she had the courage to reach out to connect with me and express just what I was feeling too. I have been lying low, overwhelmed, exhausted, depleted, completely drained.
Turn On Your Own Light
Last night I had a nightmare that had me screaming out loud in my sleep. In my dream I was in a small, dark room by myself when I felt the arrival of a menacing, heavy presence right behind me. It chilled me and whispered mean, threatening words to me. My body shook with fear as I screamed and tried to get away. But I couldn’t move.
Claiming Marhayla
I was given a new name about eight years ago in a dream. A healing name, for when I am ready to step into my power. I’ve tried a few times to use it, but it never felt quite right. I liked the sound of it—Mar-hay-la. I wondered what it meant.